Post by Admin on Sept 11, 2023 6:39:44 GMT
No, $\Psi\neq 1/z$ and $\Phi\neq z$. Why do you say that?
Post by mondo on Sept 11, 2023 6:54:46 GMT
Because the real part of $\Omega$ is $\Phi$ and imaginary part is $\Psi$. You also said the same in the other thread.
Post by Admin on Sept 11, 2023 7:16:29 GMT
But $z$ is not the real part of $\Omega$ and $1/z$ is not the imaginary part either
Post by mondo on Sept 12, 2023 1:51:31 GMT
You are right, I need to isolate the real and imaginary part of $\Omega$ and then plot it. I think I've done it and even plotted in equation explorer when I studied chapter 11 but don't see it it my notes.. How can I plot the $\Psi$ function in equation explorer having only the imaginary part? I think I would have to take the integral of it to get $H$ and then plot a vector field. But figure [22] is a plot of $\Omega$ right?
Post by Admin on Sept 12, 2023 6:51:38 GMT
$\Psi$ is the imaginary part of $\Omega$, and $\Phi$ is the real part of $\Omega$. [22] is a plot of the level curves of $\Phi$ and $\Psi$ in the complex plane.
It is the same kind of plot as the LHS of [21] on page 501. The RHS of [21] is a plot of these level curves under the mapping $\Omega=\Phi+i\Psi$ to the $\Phi\Psi$-plane.
So as we travel along any of the level curves on the LHS of [21], then on the RHS we travel along either a vertical or horizontal line.
Post by Admin on Sept 12, 2023 7:02:57 GMT
I have just finished editing my post above (#19).
Post by Admin on Sept 12, 2023 8:47:04 GMT
I have edited my reply #19 again.
Post by Admin on Sept 12, 2023 9:54:31 GMT
Equation Explorer is not very useful for these plots.
Post by mondo on Sept 13, 2023 9:01:09 GMT
Thank you Vasco, your latest posts really helped. I calculated vector field from $\Omega$ and put it into the Equation explorer. It ain't pretty but you can get a feel of the flow and it somehow resembled figure [22]: Here is the formula I used (1- (x^2-y^2)/(((x^2-y^2)^2)+(2xy)^2))i - ((2xy)/(((x^2-y^2)^2)+(2xy)^2))j Then I used $\Omega$ directly to plot streamlines. $\Psi = \frac{yx^2 + y^3 -y}{x^2+y^2}$, then I opened one of desmos links I bookmarked to type it in but I see you already did it under www.desmos.com/calculator/yqquzxuk8r. I just had to enable that plot As to my question #3 from post #14 - It is fascinating to me how well $\Psi$ models this flow around an obstacle. Now I have these questions: 1. Author calls points $\pm 1$ a breakdown of the grid (p.528 right below the equation for $\Omega$) why? I still don't see why these points are stagnation points - the streamline continues there in a circular fashion. 2. I am confused by the fact that a streamline at $0$, lying on a real axis, at a point $-1$ becomes a circle - so now it's value is no longer $0$? How to understand it? Going from the left there was no flux until point $-1$ and all of the sudden at this point this $0$ streamline of flux becomes a circle with non $0$ value? 3. Below figure [22] on page 503 author also says that the streamlines emanating from the dipole are deformed out of perfect circularity. But then, why is not the unit circle deformed at all? The deformation is caused by the uniform flow so the unit circle, outer most streamline of the dipole, should be the first one affected by the uniform flow. 4. I also wonder how to interpret figure [22]. From page 495 we know that there is zero flux before points lying on the same streamline. So for instance there should be no flux between points $2 + 4i$ and $100+4i$ - both lie on the same horizontal line where flux is constant. 5. Continuing with the potential function interpretation, what kind of information can we get from the potential function (orange color in desmos) $\phi = -2$ - we see it's graph is no longer a straight vertical line but a curve shifting towards $-1$ and then it becomes almost horizontal, finally crossing the origin and winding back to $-1$. How to understand this behavior? Thank you.
Post by mondo on Sept 14, 2023 4:18:33 GMT
I have edited my post above. Some questions were edited/removed and I added some more.
Post by Admin on Sept 14, 2023 18:46:06 GMT
Mondo 1. We are plotting different functions on the complex plane. $\Omega$ does not represent the physical motion in the plane. The motion is represented by the vector field. It is this function that has stagnation points at $z=\pm1$ not the complex potential function.
Post by mondo on Sept 14, 2023 23:25:35 GMT
Yes I know that $\Omega$ represents only level curves of a stream and potential functions but if you compare the plot of $\Omega$ and a vector field they look identical. However, do I understand it right that in the graph of $\Omega$ a streamline at a point say $z = [-1,0]$ has nothing to do with the flux at this point? The stagnation points make sense for the vector field from arithmetic point of view -> $V(z) = 1 - \frac{1}{z^2} = 0$ only for $z = \pm 1$.
Post by Admin on Sept 15, 2023 6:20:52 GMT
They don't look identical to me. The vector field is tangent to $\Psi$, otherwise they are very different. The arrows have a different meaning in each case, and look at the size and direction of the vectors along the real axis near the stagnation points. They are not identical at all.
Flux at a point? What does that mean? What do you mean by graph of $\Omega$?
Post by Admin on Sept 15, 2023 6:46:41 GMT
Sorry, I do understand what you mean by flux at a point. The streamlines are the level curves of $\Psi$ or flux.
Post by mondo on Sept 15, 2023 6:48:34 GMT
Mondo They don't look identical to me. The vector field is tangent to $\Psi$, otherwise they are very different. The arrows have a different meaning in each case, and look at the size and direction of the vectors along the real axis near the stagnation points. They are not identical at all. Flux at a point? What does that mean? What do you mean by graph of $\Omega$? So this is a question of $\Omega$ interpretation. I know it's horizontal lines represent streamlines while vertical ones represent a potential function but what information can I get from it? From the chapter that introduced this concept I know that crowding together of streamlines corresponds to higher speed of the flow. But that's not much. We know that a stream function represents flux for any curve thanks to the deformation theorem. So I think the other information we can get is this: if we have a streamline through some point $z$ and another one though a point $a$ then the difference between them $[\phi] = \phi_z - \phi_a$ tells us how much flux is flowing through the path, any path connecting them. Do you agree Vasco? PS: Yes my questions about a flux at a point doesn't make sense as at a point it is always $0$